How To Finance Deals With Little To No Money Out Of Pocket Utilizing Small Banks
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Obtaining financing for your real estate deal can be a confusing and stressful process. I spent a lot of time in my first year of business figuring out how best to work with banks to obtain financing that would allow me to scale my business. Well I have taken that information and outlined a step by step guide to help you land great financing for your real estate deals!
You will get videos covering the following:
- The benefits of utilizing small/local banks
- What typical loan terms to look for
- How to prepare yourself for obtaining financing
- 5 step process to locating, evaluating, and selecting the right bank for your deal
- What questions to ask potential lenders
- Advanced strategies for obtaining 100% financing
- Real examples from a real deal I completed using these methods
Bonus material you will receive!
- My Property Repair Analysis Spreadsheet Template
- My Bank Analysis Spreadsheet Template
- My "Experience Portfolio" Template
- My Personal Financial Statement Template
Utilizing loans from small banks has allowed me to grow and scale my business and achieve my goals faster than I ever anticipated, and I want to empower you with the tools to do the same!
You have LIFETIME access to this course!